Hello! My name is Cathy Stubbs. I fell in love with energy medicine 25 years ago after being reiki certified and have used various modalities including shamanic energy medicine ever since. I studied shamanism with Dr. Alberto Villoldo at the Four Winds Society. I am a shaman, certified light body healer, reiki master and RN.
Shamanism is all about connection, and respect and belonging to oneself, to nature and the elements, to Spirit, to God, Goddess, All That Is.
Shamanic energy modalities clear emotions, attitudes, beliefs and events of the past and aligns one with an optimal future. This clearing of our body and energy fields raises our energy of vibration helping us to feel more vibrant, more able to dream a beautiful future into being, alive and free to pursue our dreams, helping us to live in the present moment.
My sessions are gentle and intuitive based in shamanic energy methods and are assisted by shamanic guides and luminous ones. Because I have a strong history in metaphysics, my sessions include metaphysical experiences of healing assisted by the soul and higher consciousness. I ask the higher consciousness to assist each healing session, they provide guidance for visual imagery for inner child healing at various ages and provide information for releasing various energy weights the client has taken on.
After each indepth session, a decoupling is given, this releases fight/flight response. Then a visual imagery is offered to release “protective doors” over the heart often put on for protection in childhood or young adult. An opportunity to meet with and be embraced by the Higher Self, the Soul and an optimal future self is provided.
Spirit Flight provides an energetic cleansing of the physical body and its organs of stored emotions and beliefs during which the light body is in contact with the Higher Self and Soul who work to raise the energy of vibration, the resonance, of the light body.
It is fulfilling to help someone feel more authentic within self and to find inner authority and empowerment to voice, to dream, to feel more grounded, more centered, more well-being.
I look forward to working with you.
Cathy Stubbs
“Shamanic healing raises our vibration through the clearing of our light body. With the release of old traumas and constricted emotions, and with soul retrieval we feel present, alive, vibrant, more able to dream a beautiful future into being…”
Eagle Flight Healing LLC is owned and operated by Cathy Stubbs, a Shaman, Certified Light Body Healer, RN, and Reiki Master located in Connecticut, United States.
Eagle Flight Healing provides light body healing and Shamanic energy medicine.
Shamanism is a philosophy and way of life. It provides living in connection to Earth, to Source, to God, Goddess, to Spirit and All That is.
One tenet of Shamanism is that everything has consciousness and everything is interconnected.
This alone provides us with value, with belonging, with mattering. To know we are a vital part of All That Is, that who we are and what we do affects everything around us is huge, it is a responsibility and it is a joy.
Our energetic self
Human beings are energetic beings; our physical body, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, our consciousness, our Soul and Spirit. Each carries vibrations of energy, the sum total of which affects the life we create and allow.
Who are we?
We established a sense of self from early life. We were meant to expand beyond that to become individuated and become more conscious as we grow, to develop a joyful, happy life where we are fulfilled by work, avocations, relationships with self and others and by receiving love and giving love.
Our Inhibitions
We pushed harsh experiences and harsh emotions into ourselves and then often forgot them. They can inhibit us from becoming who we really are, our authentic self, so that we live behind facades and become more and more separate from a sense of self, from personal meaning and mattering, from self value and from a sense of belonging.
“It is the resonance, the energy of vibration, that determines the probability of us creating what we desire.”
Shamanism is truly about raising one’s resonance
Read what Shaman Cathy Stubbs has to say about conscious awareness and the ways our energy and emotions impact our bodies and our lives, recently published in Natural Awakenings - New Haven & Middlesex Counties:
If we have not processed harmful events and emotions, they get shoved into our energy fields where they weight us down and inhibit us in some way. Chakra illumination releases events of the past, known or unknown, or bundle of behaviors, and the emotions holding them in place, freeing one of it’s impact.
You may benefit from chakra illumination if you feel:
Unresolved emotions concerning an event from the past: i.e., pain, grief, anger, shame
Apathetic or powerless about the future
Unable to change something about yourself
Unable to change something about your life, feeling stuck
Weighted by life
After chakra illumination people report feeling lighter, more vitality, more joyful and more motivated in dreaming their future into being.
“Cathy Stubbs is an accomplished shaman. Her work includes the 7 chakra illumination, a process that clears each of the chakras. Cathy works with the higher self and guides of each client as well as her own guides. She says she is a channel for the work they do thru her.
Each session is based on an intention held by the client. She receives information from the unseen quides and higher self showing her where the client is bound and works with you to cut thru what is blocking you. She may ask you to do a visual imagery bringing you to an inner child who needs help meeting a situation in their life that is painful for them and helps with the release of the pain. She may see bits and pieces of past lives as she releases them. The 7 chakra illumination cleanses the chakras and allows you to hold more luminous energy within your body.
I felt more self confident and lighter in my physical body when I had a 7 chakra illumination. I was surprised about the physical things that she could see that were holding me back. After the hour session I felt lighter and energized. I highly recommend this session if you are feeling “out of sorts.” Clearing energy blockages will allow you to remain balanced keeping you healthy.”
Soul retrieval connects one to Source, to Soul, Soul is the lens to Source, to God/Goddess/All That Is. Our souls are always expanding, and periodic soul retrieval helps keep us aligned to soul.
During soul retrieval, shamans journey to non-ordinary reality to access a hurtful event where a client made an agreement about self that caused a loss of self. We created limiting agreements during harsh experiences of the past to be safe. These limit us, define us, and confine us in living life and evolving. The shaman releases the event, brings back the information of the agreement, the lost part of soul, a gift and a medicine animal and later helps to break the agreement.
In my practice of Soul Retrieval, I break psychic cords, release influences from past lives and the ancestry, release templates taken in from family or society that are no longer of ease and elegance, to describe part of the process. Many of our agreements are similar; “I am not good enough”, “I am not worthy”, “ I don’t deserve love”, “I am insignificant”.
You may benefit from soul retrieval if you feel:
Flat or hollow like something is missing about you
Unsafe in life and/or with others
Constant self-judging, hyper self-critical, low self- confidence and esteem
Apathetic or numb
Looking to fill inner emptiness
Struggles with addictions
Memory loss of early childhood
After soul retrieval people report feeling lighter, more vitality, more present and grounded, more joyful, and fuller in their feeling of Self.
I had the good fortune to meet Cathy during a transformational time in my life. I was emerging from a dark night of the soul, but still needed a wise and kind shaman to help me with some residual darkness. Cathy is one of the best healers I have ever met. She is very gifted, but what I love most about her is her warm and motherly energy. She always went above and beyond to check in with me and give me support when I needed it. I will always be grateful and appreciative of her light and good heart.
1 Chakra Illumination: Release of an event, known or unknown, or bundle of behaviors and the constricting emotions that hold them in place.
7 Chakra Illumination: Deep cleansing and aligning of the 7 major chakras of the physical body. Releases stored low vibration emotions from the body, sludge from the chakras, and releases energy weights the client has taken on over the experience of life, including some from past lives. May include inner child healing visual imagery.
Solo Extractions: Removal of foreign energy from one’s energy field
Soul Retrieval
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Soul Retrieval: The process of bringing back a sense of self that separated from the individual during an event and the releasing of many constricted emotions from where they are stored.
Visual imagery is included within a session if appropriate:
Connect with your inner child/adolescent for support, or change of self image
Connect with your higher consciousness and soul.
Connect with an optimal future self who has created what you desire
Decoupling: The resetting of the flight/fight response
Spirit Flight
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Spirit Flight: A powerful experience, typically 15 to 20 minutes duration, providing cleansing of the physical body and its organs of stored emotions and beliefs during which the light body is in contact with the Higher Self and Soul, who work to raise the energy of vibration, the resonance, of the light body.
My clients claim they feel lighter, more substantive in presence and authority, very focused and grounded. Physical symptoms of illness are often reduced or released.
I recommend a series of spirit flights twice or three times each week over a month for a transformative experience providing authenticity of self and deep cleansing of the light body.
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On the cusp of change… We are transitioning from our first breath:
Change of job
Empty nesting
Changes in our lives occur by choice or circumstance. We experience similar emotions for each. In change, we step from a space of surety into a space of uncertainty and vulnerability. The step into change may be accompanied by grief and loss. Chaos and self doubt mix in with anticipation. Sadness, sorrow, hesitancy, anxiety, dread, and fear rise and fall as we step into the unknown.
We offer modalities separately or inquire about a custom package.
For the Spiritual Seeker
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Taking a spiritual leap… We have created a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals, 7 chakra illuminations and lower world, upper world extractions to release the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. The gift provided from the soul retrieval will help each navigate the terrain. These ‘marker’ sessions are generally longer then usual.
Additional Services
House & Property Cleansing: A property can be affected by previous owners and occupants, a death, intense life experiences, and even electromagnetics. Unwanted negative energies can cause all sorts of strange effects that can easily be released by a shamanic cleansing. If you feel your home or property have negative energies that just won’t clear, a shamanic energy clearing may be in order. When you raise the vibration of your space it raises your vibration and helps you to be more comfortable in your world.
“Working with Cathy has made a huge difference in the quality of my life! What I love is that she seems to be guided to the necessary work and the healing she offers is exactly what is needed in that moment. Among many offerings, I particularly love the Spirit Flight sessions because it has helped me lighten my emotional state. These sessions have helped me release unconscious heavy energy, resulting in a renewed sense of peace and balance. Cathy is very knowledgeable, pulling from various healing arts traditions, to create a powerful opportunity for healing. Take every opportunity to work with this knowledgeable, powerful, and talented healer!”