March 31st, 2019 How a session works

I do energy shamanic energy methods over the cell phone or in person.

A client forms an intention of something they want to release, an experience, emotions they hold towards self, a blockage they are aware of.  Client have voiced intentions concerning depression, being overweight, having illness or chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, inability to voice, feeling ‘not good enough’, to name a few.

Before each session, I talk with the client’s higher self, ask permission to work with the client and verify the method to be used.  I ask them to hold and release an intention they hold for the client also as the client releases their intention.

Shamans work with nature and unseen guides to do their work. 

I call in and work with the unseen guides, ancient ones, higher self and soul of each client.  I call in my own unseen guides, shamanic guides, higher self and soul, ancient ones to guide me.  All work is done in sacred space.

Clients release their intention onto a stone, a kuya, a ceremonial stone prepared by many sacred ceremonies.  They breathe it out and it is carried on the breathe to the stone.

I am a mesa carrying shaman and my ceremonial stones are in what is called my mesa, my medicine bag.

Once the release of the intention to the kuya is done, a client relaxes onto a massage table, fully clothed and covered with a light cover if needed.  I check each chakra with my pendulum to determine which chakra we will be working with.

For the single chakra illumination, the stone is placed on the specific chakra indicated by the pendulum.  Using simple breath work I teach, and using releasing techniques, what needs to be released flows from the energy fields of the client out the chakra.

The energy is released from the light body, from the physical body and the spaces where it needs to be released from.

This continues until the chakra indicates it is clear, this for me shows up as a sparkly colored chakra.

After the session, clients feel very relaxed and lighter.  They feel rejuvenated, grounded and released from the weight of emotions they harbored.  Some voice feeling happier, more focused and present in themselves and in life.

An energetic shift has occurred and there is an integration time of a few days or longer.  The energetic shift plays out in how a client feels about themselves, in the choices they make and in how they relate to oneself, and others.  Their boundaries have expanded, their energy of vibration or resonance has shifted and raised.

We shove emotions and agreements into our selves in layers from early childhood on.  Clearing of them helps us to hold more light and become more luminous, to understand the foundation we have come to live from and to change that foundation to one that holds more opportunity for self expansion for us to engage life and create from.






The importance of awareness

February 26th, 2019

Let’s go back to the thought that we are all energy, our thoughts, emotions, our beliefs and attitudes, our bodies.   We are energy consciousness having an experience of physical life on planet Earth.  And in early life, in childhood we have developed a matrix to hold self that we live from.

It is a maleable matrix, one that we can become aware of, change with conscious choice as we experience life and grow more conscious about ourselves.   We came thru childhood being unable to take responsibility for our emotions and thoughts as we did not have the ability for conceptual thought.

Once into adulthood, there are many opportunities to take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel, think, function, react and respond.  We can choose to make many changes in all of these things.  In fact, learning to be responsible for our choices and emotions, for our actions is part of what being a spiritual adult is all about.


It starts with a choice to be aware, to have awareness.  In awareness, someone may say, “Why am I feeling or thinking THIS way?”

Why would a person want to become more aware? In order to know thyself, evolve, and develop a strong foundation of safety, security and trust of oneself.  To establish self confidence, self esteem and unconditional self love.  To create and allow happiness, joy and love.


Feeling and thinking are interwined,  and many may think a certain kind of thought is an emotion when it is actually a thought with the emotions underneath.  For example, “I feel that everything is always my fault” is not a feeling at all, it is a thought.  The feelings hidden under it may be shame, resentment, anger, loneliness, to name a few possibilities.   Being able to discern thoughts from emotions speaks of intelligence.


Ever hear of the universal law of attraction?  It states that an energy of vibration attracts like energy of vibration. Like attracts like.

Thoughts and emotions have a vibration, a resonance, which attracts more of the same to us.  For this reason alone, it is desirable to want to have the highest energy of vibration that we can, like happiness, joy, and love.

A key formula to initiating change is “Recognition, Awareness, Forgiveness, Change.”  It is a choice to change, one that takes intention.


Ever hear someone say “I want to change, but cannot seem to”?  This is someone who is held in a certain place by belief, attitude, emotion, an agreement they made with self; held in place by fear, pain, shame, or anger.  They cannot make a change most likely due to the agreement.  Shamanic energy medicine methods help find underlying agreements that tether someone into a stuck place.








Becoming a self

As a newborn infant, our energy field is clear and sparkly.   Our consciousness is wide open.  To develop a sense of self we need reference points and we take them from the environment we were born into.


We take on the beliefs and attitudes of our parents until we choose to change them.  We develop our first self-image from the environment we were born into. Self-image is like a container from where we live.  It contains our beliefs, attitudes, thoughts and feelings. Importantly, our early enviroments shaped the beliefs and attitudes we have about our selves.


As children, we push trauma and pain that is too much to handle into ourselves via chakras.  Our energy system, once luminous can become grey, sludged and scarred.

If we experienced emotions and painful events that were just too much to handle in childhood, we shoved them down into ourselves and in order to be safe made a contract with ourself limiting our natural expression in some way.


Children are ego-centric and interpret their world with them at its center.  They attribute parental arguments to themself as being at fault, or emotional and physical abuse as they are at fault.  We can get stuck in automatic emotional reactions and behaviors.  If they have made an agreement that limits expression of themselves, they lose a part of soul which cannot be expressed due to the constricted agreement.  This soul part, in shaman terms, goes to rest in the lower world.


Pain and fear experienced in childhood and in life can diminish our dreams, desires, expectation and imagination.

Many people change the beliefs and self-image they took on in childhood as they grow, get out into the world and meet other people who they take note of and are influenced by. If a belief and agreement is buried too deep, they may be constricted by it for life.

If soul loss is great enough, someone may feel flat, hollow or a sense of ‘not being fully here’.  Some of the agreements I have discovered for clients are “I am insignificant”,  “I do not deserve love”, “ I am unworthy”, “I deserve to be punished”.

These are pretty big underlying beliefs and agreements.


Some people are stuck in their past, held by trauma and painful events.   Chakra illumination, one shamanic method, helps release the old story some one is stuck in. The memory of it is still present but it feels distant and matter of fact without the emotional pangs.   People feel lighter and released after, able to live differently without the baggage of that event, able to make new choices.


Talking constantly of the old story only helps dig its ruts deeper.  Yet, some people would never talk of an old story because they are held in shame by it and live life from an underlying base of shame, which affects all the choices they make.


Soul retrieval is a process that helps to locate aspects of soul, and retrieve them from the lower world. This vital process is one of my specialties, people feel more present and vital, fuller in self and joyful after.


Emotions shoved down go into the physical body, into our organs.  As a reiki master, I saw organs full of anger and pain and shame as I did reiki with people.

From the physical, they are shoved into the light body, the subconscious and unconscious.   For me, the subconscious is the lower world and the unconscious borders it.


More..on our human energy system.

January 20th, 2019

As I already mentioned, we are connected to soul via one of our upper chakras.   The 12thconnects us to the Universe, the 11thto our higher consciousness, 10thto soul, 9thto all possibility, (that is confusing, I know, a bit mysterious.  Thank goodness we are connected to all possibility, this allows us to attract our dreams and desires).


If the chakras become blocked or are out of sync the exchange is inhibited.  They can become blocked or affected in rotation by emotional loads, trauma and stress that as it builds up within us affects our health and well being.

The meridians are channels that run thru the body vertically.  They carry chi, or life force energy.  Practices such as reflexology, acupuncture and acupressure help to clear the meridians of blockages.  Massage and yoga also help clear the body of low vibration energies. I have experienced each of these practices and being empathic, was aware of the clearing as I experienced a memory and the emotions and situation of a younger me.


There are many ways to clear the chakras.  The method of shamanic energy medicine I love is the 7 chakra illumination.  It releases a load of constricting emotions out of the energy field, clears the chakras of sludge, often a hidden belief may be revealed or the release of a past life.  I often recognize what is being released.

Clearing the chakras can also be done with crystals, and spinning the chakras works marvelously well.  I may get into this topic at another date.

Fact is, being energetic we take in loads of energy from the environment we are in and from others.  Clearing chakras routinely is a great practice of self care.


Our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are all energy.  We use them to establish a self in life, a persona, a self-image and identities.  Sometimes the beliefs  and attitudes we develop about ourselves, and our self image, which is the container we live from, are expansive and sometimes they lock us into a space where we are stuck, being constricting and limiting to our self expression and choices we make.

More on this next time.


Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.  Albert Einstein



Our human energy system

January 16, 2019

The human energy system is a complex mysterious system.

Did you know, after many years of searching, and science even denying it’s existence, scientists in South Korea have identified the meridian system that carries chi, life force energy through out our bodies?  They used a blue dye of sorts.

Our physical body is the densest part of our energy system, it is energy but dense.  It takes in energy and gives out energy.   Around the physical body we have energy layers, shamans call these layers of the energy system the light body.  Others have labeled the outer layers, for example the mental, the emotional, the etheric etc.

Within the physical density, we have energy vortices called chakras, 7 main chakras within the physical, one under the feet connecting us to Earth and 4 above the head.   We are much taller then we ever imagined.  The 12th, way up there connects us to the Universe., to the Divine.

In shamanism, the belief is that the chakra directly, above the head connects us to Soul.  In metaphysics, it has been stated the 10thchakra connects us to Soul, so variations in the belief system, but not to quibble.  It is important, this link to Soul, is it not luscious to think we are in contact with our souls?   This link to Soul brings us life.

The chakra centers, 7 main ones in the body, link into our neuroendocrine system.   They are energetic vortices. There are many tiny chakras in the body also, for example in the palms of the hands.

Chakras rotate and provide an exchange with the layers outside the actual physical dense body and with our higher consciousness, (whom I refer to as higher self),  Soul, Spirit and the Divine. ( What God or Goddess anyone may believe in and of course All That Is.)



An excerpt from The NY Times “how emotions can affect the heart”

How Emotions Can Affect the Heart

By Anahad O’Connor

  • Oct 30, 2018

In “Heart: A History,” Dr. Sandeep Jauhar argues that doctors need to devote more attention to how factors like unhappy relationships and work stress influence heart disease.


Excerpt Oct 30, 2018 NY Times

“Nationwide, heart disease is still the leading killer of adults. But cardiovascular medicine has grown by leaps and bounds: Mortality after a heart attack has dropped tenfold since the late 1950s. Yet the role that emotional health plays in the development of the disease remains largely underappreciated, Dr. Jauhar says. He traces this to the landmark Framingham Heart Study, started in 1948, which followed thousands of Americans and identified important cardiovascular risk factors like cholesterol, blood pressure and smoking. The Framingham investigators initially considered looking at psychosocial determinants of heart disease as well, but ultimately decided to focus on things that were more easily measured.

“What came out of it were the risk factors that we now know and treat,” Dr. Jauhar said. “What was eliminated were things like emotional dysfunction and marital health.”

That, he says, was a mistake. In the decades since then, other studies have shown that people who feel socially isolated or chronically stressed by work or relationships are more prone to heart attacks and strokes. Studies on Japanese immigrants to America found that their heart disease risk multiplies. But those who retain their traditional Japanese culture and strong social bonds are protected: Their heart disease rates do not rise. Dr. Jauhar argues that health authorities should list emotional stress as a key modifiable risk factor for heart disease. But it is much easier to focus on cholesterol than emotional and social disruption.”


Our private inner partisanship

Hi Everyone!

There is a lot of partisanship going around these days, it can be a divisive headspinner!   It has brought up for me, the issue of the potential and probable divisiveness within each of us.


That is the divisiveness between our archetypal feminine and archetypal masculine. The true feminine nature and true masculine has nothing to do with the version society’s dictates to us as norm that we are urged to take on, nor the religious stereotypical versions either.


These outer templates for feminine and masculine have been with us and most societies for many eons of ages.  In coming up through our youth, we so want to be accepted and approved of and in response to demands and messages many of us, both female and male, twist ourselves into a pretzel shape for acceptance and approval and that inner shaping of self may interfere with the natural true feminine and masculine within, and create stress within ourselves by taking us away from our natural self.


Each human being is born with both a true feminine and masculine nature. They are meant to work in balance and harmony with each other so we can be our full self.


The true feminine provides creativity, conception, perception, imagination, desire, dreaming.  The true masculine provides action, will, looks to provide meaning and understanding and filling the space provided by the creativity, the conception of new idea, dreaming, imagination.  So together, they speak to form and function and establish a harmony and balance within. The balance is not equal, fifty-fifty but may be 20/80 one week and a bit later be 75/25.  The artist dreams of the scene to paint, feminine, the masculine then works to paint it, very simply put.


As we grow we may push one or the other down within us, or even hide them away for protection as we encounter expectations within our inner circle of family, friends, society and religion.  This all starts at a very young age.  I know quite a number of women who lead with their masculine, as that is more admired and gets more prestige.


The one side of the imbalance can be the person who always has lots of ideas, and jumps around from one to the other never bringing one into fruition.  And another side of the imbalance is the individual who always is doing, doing, doing and run by the to-do list, and who feel they have no imagination or innate creativity.


So what to do?  Begin by observing what seems natural and what does not.  State an intention of wanting to balance your inner feminine and masculine, so they work together.  Offer compassion and forgiveness to oneself.  Try to get familiar with your natural inclinations. Try to see your own pattern and make a decision to change it.


Beyond this, meditation and visual imagery work well to re-establish the balance.  This will be our next topic, in our next column.  Blessings.

Cathy of Eagle Flight Healing.

Ancestors’ Past Traumas

An interesting article in Natural Awakenings, New Haven-Middlesex, caught my eye, entitled Generational Healing, Letting go of Our Ancestors’ Past Traumas, by Ed Federici of Mindful Actions, LLC (page 20)

In shamanic teaching, it is known that we hold ties to our ancestors for 6 generations.  I am aware of other traditions that teach we hold ties for 3 generations.

This is the first article I have come across that mentions reference to several scientific studies suggesting that trauma may be passed down in our DNA, which is exciting.

Cutting of ancestral ties is part of what shamanic energy medicine offers.

Recently a client spoke of the weight she carried from her generational history.  I feel we can honor the lives and history of our ancestors without carrying the weights of their lives.  This way we can interrupt the passage of suffering, blame and resentments from generation to generation.   We might honor them with a ceremony ritual or planting of a tree or specific area of the garden, or declare an ‘Ancestor Day of Celebration”  within our families.  With this honoring we can say, “I am celebrating your memory with love and compassion” without passing along by choice the negativity.  Does this choice affect DNA?  I would imagine so and we spare our children having to carry the weight of history.