Soul retrieval connects one to Source, to Soul, Soul is the lens to Source, to God/Goddess/All That Is. Our souls are always expanding, and periodic soul retrieval helps keep us aligned to soul.
During soul retrieval, shamans journey to non-ordinary reality to access a hurtful event where a client made an agreement about self that caused a loss of self. We created limiting agreements during harsh experiences of the past to be safe. These limit us, define us, and confine us in living life and evolving. The shaman releases the event, brings back the information of the agreement, the lost part of soul, a gift and a medicine animal and later helps to break the agreement.
In my practice of Soul Retrieval, I break psychic cords, release influences from past lives and the ancestry, release templates taken in from family or society that are no longer of ease and elegance, to describe part of the process. Many of our agreements are similar; “I am not good enough”, “I am not worthy”, “ I don’t deserve love”, “I am insignificant”.
You may benefit from soul retrieval if you feel:
Flat or hollow like something is missing about you
Unsafe in life and/or with others
Constant self-judging, hyper self-critical, low self- confidence and esteem
Apathetic or numb
Looking to fill inner emptiness
Struggles with addictions
Memory loss of early childhood

I had the good fortune to meet Cathy during a transformational time in my life. I was emerging from a dark night of the soul, but still needed a wise and kind shaman to help me with some residual darkness. Cathy is one of the best healers I have ever met. She is very gifted, but what I love most about her is her warm and motherly energy. She always went above and beyond to check in with me and give me support when I needed it. I will always be grateful and appreciative of her light and good heart.