Taking a Spiritual Leap
The change in energies from Piscean age to Aquarian age is well under way. Humans have been ruled by Piscean age energies of domination and control for eons, its footprint residue is within us. Aquarian age energies are that of dominion, collaboration and community. The coming New World is new, new masculine, new feminine, new authority, new creativity.
We have created a series of ‘marker’ soul retrievals, with lower world, upper world extractions releasing the residues of chauvinism and the long standing automated templates within. The gift provided from the soul retrieval will help each navigate the terrain. These ‘marker’ sessions are generally longer then usual.
Each soul retrieval process has a developed intention that can be added to.
Soul Retrieval Marker
Topics for your soul retrieval marker session (choose from the following):
- Releasing the known and unknown impact of the patriarchal church from our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels from all lives.
- Releasing the core of chauvinism within us.
- Releasing our unforgivability, pain and guilts, the barriers on our spirituality and on our magician from the negative outcomes of the 3 worlds of Atlantis and our perceived role in these outcomes.
- Releasing the impact of chauvinism on our spirituality and religious histories and traditions of religions of other lives.
- Releasing the last tendrils of the dominating masculine chauvinistic principle within, opening to the new masculine and new feminine of dominion
- Releasing patterns of ostracization involving conscious evolution, releasing the pattern of separation from God, Goddess, All That Is, Soul, Spirit, and Higher Self, ending the sling-shot effect.
- Releasing the impact of chauvinism on our authority
- Freeing the pathways of conscious creativity, releasing the chauvinistic templates and lower emotions around creativity from this life and others.
- For establishing new dreaming and expanded imagination
Releasing the known and unknown of:
– the impact of chauvinism on our ability to dream
– limiting beliefs, perspectives, perceptions, blockages, veils, apprehensions and impediments on our imaginations, and any negative impact from our ancestry and past lives
– activating new dreaming as held by our optimal future self in the new world of dominion - Money #1 Changing the ‘domination-control’
foundation of money
Releasing chauvinism around money, our blockages and barriers, inhibitions around money. - Money #2 Changing the flow of money
Releasing the known and unknown as needed and
-Revive the knowing that money is an expression of my spirituality because the more I flow thru me the love and light of the Goddess, the more I receive. The more I flow love into the world around me, the more I receive Goodness, Truth and Beauty
-Dissociate how much money I make from how I feel, the more money I flow thru me the more impact I have in society
-Establish permission to allow money to flow thru me with little or no effort at all, knowing the greater the permission, the greater the impact - Money #3: Changing our relationship to money
Releasing the known and unknown:
– release the templates of ‘caste’, place and space born into in relation to money
– release ‘stay in your place, work hard to earn a living’ as a throwback, releasing ‘I can count on myself to earn a living”
– release templates of unhappiness, struggle and scarcity, needing to earn money
– release the reduction of dreaming, imagination r/t money and chauvinism
– release fear of losing money that I have
– release belief of ‘who has money has power’
– release the illusion of ‘someone else has money not me’ and release the illusion of those with money have power over me
– release the correlation of feeling safe because I have money
– separate money from love and love from money
– renewal of and increased capacity to dream, imagine
– unreserved trust in a wide river flow of money, allowing money to be a free flowing river
– bring in the energy of the optimal future self of the new world who already has a strong foundation for receiving, having and maintaining money
– allowing money to be in communication with me to allow its free flowing resonance in my life
– restore the fun, expansiveness and humility of money
– bring in the balance and harmony with having the life that has freedom, enjoyment and expanded space to grow into the More of who I am, be in the natural flow of money in our life
– be free to allow money to come to me, regardless of whether we are earning it or not, allowing it by creativity and inspiration
– allow money to be in communication with me so the resonance of free flowing ness of money is around me and part of my life. - Under the Radar:
Release the known and unknown of:
– the underlying predilection/habit of not supporting self in goals, dreams, ideas, life events, life flow, at root cause in this life and others as applicable
– releasing at root cause: wanting to “stay under the radar”, in this life and others which impact me
– releasing the residual paradigms of right and wrong within me
– releasing the lack of ‘being responsible’ to self
– a foundation of new creativity
– More of the thinking/feeling of our optimal future self in the new world of dominion
– Increasing the degree of personal freedom within
– Strengthen our process workings with increased clarity and willingness to take responsibility with joy - Healing the Pain of Separation from the Goddess:
Release the known and unknown of:
– the pain, shame, alienation, separation, blame, self abandonment we experienced when we turned from the Goddess in order to individualize
-the mistrust of self and mistrust of GGA resulting from turning from the Goddess
– undeserving, lack of worthiness, not good enough, and fear resulting from the turning from the Goddess
– Absolute knowingness into my being of: worthiness, self trust, trust in GGA, Soul, Higher Self, Optimal future self of the new world
-expansion of imagination
-expansion of perceptions/ conception
-expansion of capacity to heal
-expansion of connection to GGA, HS, Soul and Spirit
-recovering more of who we truly are from the Light Shadow - Healing Power – The Ability to Act, with ease and elegance and harm to none and for the highest good:
Release the known and unknown of:
-The impact of chauvinism on my ability to act; my ability, desire and motivation to respond from my power using talents, strengths, gifts, and choice
-The familial, ancestral, past life, societal templates and the impact of the trauma events in my life on my ability to be powerful
-The need for control in me, whether via I being controlled or I doing the controlling, overtly or covertly-releasing the core basis of emotions, thoughts, instinct, resulting from lack of safety, security and consistency in infancy and childhood, adolescence, releasing a need for a guarantee
-The aspects of the negative shield: Judgments of self and others, shame, perfection, self punishment or punishment of others, domination, pain, invisibility, entitlements, formed to service the need for security, safety and consistency and releasing patterns of adjusting my behavior to make others behave in a certain way; releasing the survival patterns of the infant/child/adolescent
-Instilling balance based on the Valued self, connection to higher self, soul, spirit, optimal future self, truer self, God, Goddess and my unseen
-Sharpening desire, imagination, expectation, motivation, perceptions, and drive to connect to, communicate with and incorporate my spiritual identity into my physical self.
-Developing and receiving the receptors needed to be in the new worldNote: Actual intentions are more developed than stated under ‘topic” and work with your Higher Self’s intention for you.
7 Chakra Illumination Marker
Aligning the chakras, releasing the vestiges of chauvinism. Out of the chaos, to create something new, to receive the new resonance of dominion, calling upon the new resonance of dominion to deepen within me.
- Releasing the known and unknown of the old safety/security resonances and the underlying residual formations of those experiences, emotions and contracts contributing to and resulting from those resonances. Clear the energy field of any blocks, veils, and patterning, allowing our energy field to be more of the receptacle of communication, sensation, information and knowing it was originally designed for.
Lower World/Upper World Extraction
I developed this intention as another solution to the problem Lazaris mentioned in his last streaming event (Keys to Unlocking Brilliant Futures) about how the pandemic pounded the Earth and the fear and pain of the our ancestry for 3 generations was released to us and is in our DNA.
“I wish to release the known and the unknown of: the rage, anger, anguish, hopelessness, despair, fear and pain and other lower tier emotions from my DNA, my physical, mental and emotional, spiritual spaces-which I took in from the pounding of Earth by the pandemic, from the ancestors and others.

“When Cathy offered me a special Soul Retrieval to release the vestiges of chauvinism I jumped at the chance. After the process, I felt a significant shift, a lightness of being, and an optimism about the future. I value myself more and have seen a beautiful deepening and integration in my spiritual self. I have been progressing through each new topic, each time feeling monumental shifts.”