Shamanism is a philosophy and way of life. It provides living in connection to Earth, to Source, to God, Goddess, to Spirit and All That is.
One tenet of Shamanism is that everything has consciousness and everything is interconnected.
This alone provides us with value, with belonging, with mattering. To know we are a vital part of All That Is, that who we are and what we do affects everything around us is huge, it is a responsibility and it is a joy.
Our energetic self
Human beings are energetic beings; our physical body, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes, our consciousness, our Soul and Spirit. Each carries vibrations of energy, the sum total of which affects the life we create and allow.
Who are we?
We established a sense of self from early life. We were meant to expand beyond that to become individuated and become more conscious as we grow, to develop a joyful, happy life where we are fulfilled by work, avocations, relationships with self and others and by receiving love and giving love.
Our Inhibitions
We pushed harsh experiences and harsh emotions into ourselves and then often forgot them. They can inhibit us from becoming who we really are, our authentic self, so that we live behind facades and become more and more separate from a sense of self, from personal meaning and mattering, from self value and from a sense of belonging.

“It is the resonance, the energy of vibration, that determines the probability of us creating what we desire.”
Shamanism is truly about raising one’s resonance
Read what Shaman Cathy Stubbs has to say about conscious awareness and the ways our energy and emotions impact our bodies and our lives, recently published in Natural Awakenings - New Haven & Middlesex Counties:
Conscious Awareness: Raising Our Energy Vibration for Positive Reality Creation