The importance of awareness

February 26th, 2019

Let’s go back to the thought that we are all energy, our thoughts, emotions, our beliefs and attitudes, our bodies.   We are energy consciousness having an experience of physical life on planet Earth.  And in early life, in childhood we have developed a matrix to hold self that we live from.

It is a maleable matrix, one that we can become aware of, change with conscious choice as we experience life and grow more conscious about ourselves.   We came thru childhood being unable to take responsibility for our emotions and thoughts as we did not have the ability for conceptual thought.

Once into adulthood, there are many opportunities to take responsibility for ourselves and how we feel, think, function, react and respond.  We can choose to make many changes in all of these things.  In fact, learning to be responsible for our choices and emotions, for our actions is part of what being a spiritual adult is all about.


It starts with a choice to be aware, to have awareness.  In awareness, someone may say, “Why am I feeling or thinking THIS way?”

Why would a person want to become more aware? In order to know thyself, evolve, and develop a strong foundation of safety, security and trust of oneself.  To establish self confidence, self esteem and unconditional self love.  To create and allow happiness, joy and love.


Feeling and thinking are interwined,  and many may think a certain kind of thought is an emotion when it is actually a thought with the emotions underneath.  For example, “I feel that everything is always my fault” is not a feeling at all, it is a thought.  The feelings hidden under it may be shame, resentment, anger, loneliness, to name a few possibilities.   Being able to discern thoughts from emotions speaks of intelligence.


Ever hear of the universal law of attraction?  It states that an energy of vibration attracts like energy of vibration. Like attracts like.

Thoughts and emotions have a vibration, a resonance, which attracts more of the same to us.  For this reason alone, it is desirable to want to have the highest energy of vibration that we can, like happiness, joy, and love.

A key formula to initiating change is “Recognition, Awareness, Forgiveness, Change.”  It is a choice to change, one that takes intention.


Ever hear someone say “I want to change, but cannot seem to”?  This is someone who is held in a certain place by belief, attitude, emotion, an agreement they made with self; held in place by fear, pain, shame, or anger.  They cannot make a change most likely due to the agreement.  Shamanic energy medicine methods help find underlying agreements that tether someone into a stuck place.