I do energy shamanic energy methods over the cell phone or in person.
A client forms an intention of something they want to release, an experience, emotions they hold towards self, a blockage they are aware of. Client have voiced intentions concerning depression, being overweight, having illness or chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, inability to voice, feeling ‘not good enough’, to name a few.
Before each session, I talk with the client’s higher self, ask permission to work with the client and verify the method to be used. I ask them to hold and release an intention they hold for the client also as the client releases their intention.
Shamans work with nature and unseen guides to do their work.
I call in and work with the unseen guides, ancient ones, higher self and soul of each client. I call in my own unseen guides, shamanic guides, higher self and soul, ancient ones to guide me. All work is done in sacred space.
Clients release their intention onto a stone, a kuya, a ceremonial stone prepared by many sacred ceremonies. They breathe it out and it is carried on the breathe to the stone.
I am a mesa carrying shaman and my ceremonial stones are in what is called my mesa, my medicine bag.
Once the release of the intention to the kuya is done, a client relaxes onto a massage table, fully clothed and covered with a light cover if needed. I check each chakra with my pendulum to determine which chakra we will be working with.
For the single chakra illumination, the stone is placed on the specific chakra indicated by the pendulum. Using simple breath work I teach, and using releasing techniques, what needs to be released flows from the energy fields of the client out the chakra.
The energy is released from the light body, from the physical body and the spaces where it needs to be released from.
This continues until the chakra indicates it is clear, this for me shows up as a sparkly colored chakra.
After the session, clients feel very relaxed and lighter. They feel rejuvenated, grounded and released from the weight of emotions they harbored. Some voice feeling happier, more focused and present in themselves and in life.
An energetic shift has occurred and there is an integration time of a few days or longer. The energetic shift plays out in how a client feels about themselves, in the choices they make and in how they relate to oneself, and others. Their boundaries have expanded, their energy of vibration or resonance has shifted and raised.
We shove emotions and agreements into our selves in layers from early childhood on. Clearing of them helps us to hold more light and become more luminous, to understand the foundation we have come to live from and to change that foundation to one that holds more opportunity for self expansion for us to engage life and create from.